You are invited to step into the next dimension of sharing your true essence, gifts and soul purpose with the world

Learn with me

I have been involved with Academy since 2007, when I enrolled as a student, inspired by a time tested curriculum rooted in ancient healing systems of Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda and Daoist Longevity traditions. After graduation I wanted to stay connected to the community of students and teachers as I believed in the mission of the school to educate a new generation of holistic health coaches in the art of healing with food.

A year later I was invited to teach as one of the core faculty members, and I have developed 3 in-depth modules on seasonal whole food cooking, superfood nutrition, rejuvenation rituals and Daoist elixirs of longevity.

Whether you are curious or ready to shift your career into the realm of holistic healing, AHN can guide you into becoming certified as a Holistic Nutrition Coach. This certification is a great tool to empower a quality of life in alignment with your values. It can enhance your current healing arts practice, give purpose to your passion, and give you the knowledge and experience to be a healing resource for all of your community.

I will be one of your cooking instructors and mentor you through all the exciting kitchen projects and graduation assignments on this 1-year long professional training course.

Expand your knowledge, get support, and refine your skills as a holistic health coach and business owner

Doing what you love and thriving financially can sound like a dream.

Becoming a masterful healing guide requires time and lots of practice. 

To get there – to this place of mastery – we must own the Medicine we carry and hone the quality of our embodied presence, our ability to create a safe container with our clients, to hold the space for their innate healing wisdom to unfold. Practicing commitment to this beautiful art of coaching, expanding your skillset, is going to increase the potency of your work and set you apart as a soul-resourced intuitive leader with a capacity to guide clients into deeply transformative journeys.

That is why I believe that having a qualified mentor to discuss your cases with and help you develop the artistry of embodiment coaching is both reassuring and deeply supportive.

And on the business side, knowing the right tools and setting the structures in place for sustainable financial growth will help you to feel confident and make this new career a truly fulfilling path. Treating your business as a spiritual journey, you can start to practice marketing, engaging with your audience, tending to the energy in your transformational offerings as empowering rituals, not boring tasks.

Professional Mentorship for AHN Community

  • A photograph of cut herbs in a glass jar and on a plate on a wooden table

    Current AHN Students

    As part of your Nutrition Coach training with Academy of Healing Nutrition, you get 3 mentoring sessions with me.

    First session is to help you clarify your vision for the final graduation project. We can also discuss your first client assignment and troubleshoot any issues around coaching.

    Second session is to go over your project draft and prepare you for submitting all required course work. You can bring you client case reports any course-related questions to this session.

    Third session is for feedback on your final project, client reports, and coaching program. My goal with this session is to help you integrate the most resonant aspects of the course and inspire you to create your wellness business post graduation.

  • A photograph of a mortar and pestle with herbs. A person is pouring oil into the mortar.

    AHN Graduates

    For new holistic health coaches who want professional feedback and support in the first few years of their practice. I am here to help you align your personal healing experience and passion for helping others with your new professional path.

    We will work together over the course of 3 sessions to map out the big picture of your wellness business and create an actionable plan for your next steps.

    Whether that means choosing your next training, clarifying your audience and mission, creating your first offerings, developing content sharing strategy, or setting up sustainable systems and organic income streams, we will explore accessible resources and address any mindset blocks that come up.

Calling all Healers, Coaches, Transformation facilitators!

Into the Yin

is a Winter Mystery School, an initiation into the sacred Daoist arts of life force energy cultivation.

This Yin Portal opens once a year to offer women a space for deep rejuvenation, self-care, and nourishment in a supportive community of conscious life cultivators.  

A woman embodied in her truth serves as a lighthouse for her community

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